Monday, January 23, 2012

Workout Plan: Gaining Weight

Hi Ladies!

It's been a while! Sorry I've been M.I.A but I'm sure your schedule is just as busy as mine. I actually plan on  joining the Airforce and put my degree to work.  I will be speaking with a recruiter tomorrow to get more information in the career I want to pursue. HOPEFULLY IT WORKS OUT FOR ME! If it doesn't I will still be happy that I achieved in this gaining weight challenge.

For right now, I am training and conditioning myself to the max.

I am actually trying to gain more weight (at least 115-120 lbs by mid-March). For those of you who can't tell by my photos and videos, I am very slim or you can say skinny. I weigh 981bs as of right now. However, i can honstly say I don't look sick. I am tiny with a little shape (mostly breast).

However, I want to be able to have something to loose during BMT (boot camp) so I am conditioning every single day of the week except for Saturday and Sunday.

Running is what I'm focused on the most because I'm going to have to past a two mile run I believe under 15 minutes. I like to achieve above and beyond so I'm pushing for 7-8 minutes.

At the same time I want to improve my upper body strength through curl ups and push ups.

Here is my weekly workout routine that I have developed ( I may add other exercises or change daily):

*10-15 minutes of jogging
*5 minute cool down walk
*5 sets of 10 crunches ( legs up/crossed, knees bent)
*5 sets of 5 pull ups ( a broom stick attached to two chairs and you lay flat then pull up)
*3 sets of 10 balerina squats
* 3 sets of 5 push ups
*5 sets of 10 butt exercises
*20 minute Dance Central

I usually tend to take 4 sips of water before running in the morning. DO NOT EAT BEFORE RUNNING! Eating before running can lead to stomach pains/cramps; especially if you are a morning runner. For evening runners, it's okay to eat something 2 hours before running but I would suggest to not eat right before a run.

Since this is the second week I have started my conditioning I am slowly building my running time up so that I can prepare myself for 2 miles. Every week I will run longer and stronger.

At the same time, I am also changing the foods that I consume so that I can gain the appropriate muscle mass needed.

I am intaking 300-500 calories or more daily; 3 meals daily; 3 smaller meals/snacks daily.

Today I ate a slice of Peanut butter bread (250) , drank Ensure Plus (310), and ate Ramen noodles (210). Being that, that's already too much I will have to interchange between the peanut putter and Ensure through the week so that I am not consuming to many calories. However, I've decided to do peanut butter because it is a good source of protein!

While in the process of gaining weight, It's always detrimental that you pay close attention to your calorie intake. You want to intake more calories than your are burning off. Also, you want to make sure that you are transfroming those calories into muscles (so make sure you are exercising properly). You don't want to gain fat but tone muscles!!!

Here are some video examples of what I love to do. I also follow these Utube trainers!  :)

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